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See Standards in Action

PowerStandards is accreditation software that streamlines the management of policies and compliance documentation.  We work with 60+ accrediting bodies to publish their standards manuals on PowerStandards. Fill out this form to get a free, personalized consultation on how Standards can work for your agency.

Reduce accreditation prep time by 50% with accreditation software

PowerDMS is preloaded with the standards manuals of 40+ accrediting bodies. Map your policies, procedures, and proofs of compliance to your specific accrediting body’s standards manual. Our solution has been shown to reduce the time it takes to complete a self assessment or prepare for an onsite by 50% or more, when compared to paper-based methods.

Assess accreditation readiness

Know that you’re prepared for your next onsite. With PowerDMS, you can set a status for each standard and track progress throughout your accreditation cycle. Dashboards and reports make it easy to see how it's progressing. Before your onsite, mock assessors can login remotely to review your documents, determine a compliance status, and leave suggestions.

Build a culture of compliance

Receive automatic alerts when a policy or standards manual is changed in the middle of the accreditation cycle. Compare changes side-by-side to easily understand the impact to your accreditation. Rather than managing static documents, your policies and practices become living, fluid documents. Accreditation becomes a daily practice that weaves into your operations, instead of a monumental task every few years. 

Key accreditation software features

Digital Standards Manuals

Subscribe to standards from 40+ accrediting bodies, and much more.

Automatic Notifications

When a standard or policy changes, receive alerts on what's impacted.

Side-by-Side Comparison

See what’s been added, deleted, or changed on a policy or standard.

Standards Mapping

Map your policies and other proofs of compliance to specific standards.

Task Management

Create one time or recurring tasks to keep your compliance on track.

Mock Assessments

Provide assessors with remote access to your self-assessment.

How Lacey PD saved $2,000 on accreditation administrative costs

"Instead of just getting the bare minimum of training—24 hours a year—we take the money we save [through PowerDMS] and offer additional training we wouldn’t have been able to offer. Last year, our officers were able to do 100 hours of training."

Joe Upton
Administrative Commander, Lacey Police Department

See how you can transform your accreditation processes today.

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